At Newker Primary School, we believe that the learning of science promotes a range of fundamental educational, social and emotional skills. We value the children’s innate curiosity and wonderment at the world around us and understand that it is crucial in further developing their knowledge and interests.
In our school, we are very fortunate to teach such inquisitive and enthusiastic pupils. We are fully committed to ensuring our children have the opportunity to develop and extend their learning by providing a high-quality, inspiring and motivating education.
As a result of our science curriculum, we expect to see our pupils’ knowledge and understanding of science improve. Pupils well be able to use higher level thinking skills to name, describe and question concepts in science. Pupils will be able to make links between different key ideas to explain the real world in terms of scientific understanding. They will also be able to work scientifically, carrying out investigations and experiments. They should also be able to recognise how science makes an impact on us as citizens and also how it makes an impact on communities across the world through inventions, discoveries and developments.
Science will be delivered through a number of routes:
- Weekly science lessons to cover the main curriculum, delivered through working scientifically
- Links to other curriculum areas through STEM activities
- Occasional whole school events such as Science week or National Space week
- Enrichment activities by either educational visits or visiting science activities
Our Whole School Overview is below for Science, please click on unit to see unit objectives.
Year Group |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Year 1 |
Naming and Regrouping animals.
Seasonal changes: Autumn and Winter
Human body parts.
Identifying plants + their basic parts.
Seasonal changes: Spring and Summer |
Everyday material
Year 2 |
Uses of everyday materials |
Growing Plants |
New Life |
Introduction to food chains. |
Living things and habitats |
Healthy Things |
Year 3
Rocks and Soils
Introduction to human skeleton and muscles. |
Forces and magnets |
Healthy Eating |
Plants |
Introduction to Light and shadows |
Year 4 |
Human Digestive System |
States of matter
Living things and their habitats
Food Chains
Year 5 |
Forces |
Earth and space |
Reproduction and Life Cycles: Plants |
Reproduction and Life Cycles: Animals |
Human Development
Year 6 |
Human circulatory system |
Electricity: Changing Circuits
Keeping Healthy |
Group and Classify Living things |
Evolution and inheritance |
Autumn 1: Naming and Regrouping animals
Autumn 2: Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter
Spring 1: Human Body Parts
Spring 2: Identifying plants and their basic parts
Summer 1: Seasonal Changes: Spring and Summer
Summer 2: Everyday Materials
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