Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

Don't forget to bring in your OPAL outdoor kit for lunchtime play outside!

  1. Children
  2. Class Pages
  3. Year 1

Year 1


Mrs Miu and Mrs Roden

KS1 teachers

Welcome to Y1!


We are Mrs Miu and Mrs Roden and this year we will be teaching Year 1. Across KS1 we will have Mrs Grindley and Mrs Moody, who are all fabulous members of our support staff. We also have Mr Bell join us on a Wednesday. 

During this half term, in Maths we will be reviewing and consolidating our knowledge of numbers within ten, including addition and subtraction within ten.

We will be exploring a range of texts in our English sessions.

In History, we will be learning all about what history is and focusing on the children's own personal history.  

In Geography, we will be exploring our local community, including looking at aerial views of the school. 

In Science we will be learning all about animals, including humans. This will include learning about different parts of our body and our senses.

During our Music sessions, we will be following the charanga scheme to develop our skills, and also benefitting from a ukelale session from Mr Kyle, our music teacher. 

In Computing we will be exploring computing system and learning basic computer controls with the keyboard and mouse.  

In RE we will be learning about the religion of Christianity and thinking about why God is important to Christians.

PE this half term will be on xxx where we will be learning lots of different games, including ball games. Please ensure your child has their full kit in school . Kits will then be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed.

In KS1 we have three different books that are sent home.

Reading for Pleasure books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are books that are to be shared as a family, at bed time, before tea or just snuggled up on the sofa.

RWI books – these are sent home on Monday and returned on Friday. These are phonetically plausible books that are chosen specific in line with your child’s phonic knowledge.

Phonetically decodable or banded reading books – these are changed every Tuesday and Friday. Don’t worry about reading a full book each day, reading a couple of pages each day will be great. Please just make a note of which page you have read up to. 

Please remember to read with your child as often as possible - ideally three times a week. School planners are checked daily for any messages.  

If you ever have any concerns or want to discuss something, please call or email the school office.

We are so excited to help your children to grow and flourish over the coming year! 

Mrs Miu and Mrs Roden