Newker Primary School

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Waldridge Rd, Chester Le Street, County Durham, DH2 3AA

0191 388 7099

Newker Primary School

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  1. Key Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Overview
  4. Maths



Mathematics at Newker Primary School

At Newker Primary School we believe that pupils should develop mathematical mastery, a deep long term and secure understanding of the essential skills that they will use in their adult lives. We use the White Rose Maths Scheme which meets National Curriculum requirements.

White Rose

In order to meet the needs of our pupils, we adapt the scheme when necessary and supplement with materials such as I See Maths and N Rich. We also work with the Archimedes Maths Hub to ensure that our staff are kept up to date with current developments.

Successful Mathematicians

We have worked hard to develop our Mathematics Curriculum at Newker and we strive to ensure that when our pupils leave us they are secure in mathematical concepts, fluent in mathematical skills and procedures, can solve problems, explain and justify their thinking and have a positive attitude towards Maths.

If you would like further information about Mathematics at Newker Primary School then please contact the Maths lead via the school office.

Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract

We understand that children learn in different ways and we use a range of resources and techniques to help deepen their understanding.

Concrete – children have the opportunity to use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand what they are doing.

Pictorial – children build on this concrete approach using pictorial representations which they can also use when solving problems.

Abstract – as children begin to develop their understanding, they can use more abstract methods such as written calculations.

We know that children’s ability to recall number facts rapidly helps them to establish essential building blocks which underpin their mathematical knowledge. We have built a ten minute turbo maths session into our daily maths lesson to allow children to practise these facts and improve their recall.

We use the following websites and would encourage children to access these at home through the following links:

Numbots and TT Rockstars

Hit the Button

Pupils in Key Stage One also use the Mastering Number Programme alongside their daily maths sessions to help them secure essential knowledge.

At Newker Primary School we are committed to supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate alongside their peers. We have high aspirations for all groups of learners and pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum. If modifications to the curriculm are necessary for particular pupils, activities will be planned by the class teacher with the support of the SENDco and Maths lead.

Staff at Newker understand the vital importance of talk in developing pupil’s mathematical skills. During lessons, pupils are encouraged to discuss their ideas, explain and justify their reasoning and use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Teachers use questioning and model the use of stem sentences to enable pupils to describe mathematical concepts